About Us

لَوْلَا الْمُرَبِّي مَا عَرَفْتُ رَبِّي

“If not for my (Islamic) teacher-educator (MUROBBI),

I would never have known my Lord (ROBBI)”

Our Story

The logo

Concept by Sis Meryem Chin and design by Bro Haikal Aziz.

Written in kufic script, it is read as ذُو الْكِفْل (Zhulkeflee).

The diamond and kufic motif is in congruity with one of Ustaz’s publications, “The Criteria for a Holy Book” which was designed by Bro Aimran Rohani. While the book was published posthumously, Ustaz had selected the design months prior to his passing. Thus we reckoned that this pattern would be appropriate in honouring his design choice.

Our purpose and motivation

We are a team of dedicated student helpers with a shared commitment to carry forward the legacy of da’wah, and to preserve the works of the late Ustaz Zhulkeflee bin Haji Ismail. Al-Marhum Ustaz Zhulkeflee was passionate about the Deen, and in his lifetime, he made it his raison d’être or the main purpose of his existence to continue in the da’wah legacy of Rasulullah . In the Islamic context, da’wah refers to the invitation to Islam and the propagation of its teachings. Ustaz used to emphasize that this noble and significant effect left behind by Rasulullah is not just an individual endeavour but is in fact, a collective responsibility. The perseverance and dedication in the spirit of da’wah is a responsibility that extends from one generation to another, and by working together we are able to share the workload, pool our skills and strengths, and have a more significant impact on benefitting others in the community, insyaAllah.

Ustaz’s knowledge and teachings left a lasting impact on many who were fortunate enough to learn from him, and those who have studied with him know that his departure left an irreplaceable void in the community. His genuine concern for a proper fardhu ‘ain curriculum had led him to develop such a course which is both foundational and profound at the same time. It covers the essentials that a Muslim ought to know while preparing one’s self to face the intellectual and philosophical challenges of this post-modern era. For him, the role of a teacher is to teach the student what he or she needs; in a way that instils conviction (yaqin) as well as inculcating the spirit of da’wah in the student.

Consequently, as his students, our dedication to the cause is not just driven by a profound sense of duty—a sacred trust (amanah) bestowed upon us to safeguard and perpetuate the invaluable knowledge he imparted — but also as a form of worship (ibadah). Hence why we have embarked on various initiatives over the past 6 years (under the supervision of Ustaz’s daughter), which ultimately culminated into a virtual sanctuary of wisdom where his teachings and resources could be shared and accessed by all seekers of knowledge.

It is noteworthy for us to mention an advice from Ustaz that resources and materials such as these, no matter how worthy and beneficial, remain at the level of ma’lumat (information) and can never be a source of knowledge (‘ilm) per se. He used to emphasize that knowledge resides in the heart of a person (‘ilm fi al-sudur la fi al-sutur), and not what is made available on the pages of a book, graphics of an illustration or video images of a recorded stream (and today, not even the seemingly intelligent AI). We note that knowledge should be sought with the necessary adab at the hands of a living teacher, who in turn had obtained it from the previous generations of teachers, in an unbroken chain all the way back to the Beloved Prophet . Having said that, there are benefits (fawaid) that can be obtained via this resource. Our intention is to ensure that these gems will continue to serve as a perennial source of enrichment. By providing a platform for revisitation, we hope to enable people to deepen their understanding of the Deen with each encounter, and by perpetuating and sharing his nuggets of wisdom, we aim to keep the da’wah legacy alive; allowing it to ripple through time and touch the lives of more people.

Although the process and journey of developing these resources were not without its own set of challenges, yet Alhamdulillah with the Help and Grace of Allah SWT, the student helpers were undeterred by the passage of 6 years since Ustaz’s departure. We have patiently persevered to work on the various projects and to bring them to fruition. A lot of time and effort were invested in these projects and we have voluntarily undertaken the roles entrusted to us while juggling other personal commitments and responsibilities. Despite the obstacles, we strove to remain steadfast in our intentions and progressed in stages until the website was ready to serve its purpose. This effort of preserving and cataloguing these memorable lessons will, insyaAllah, go a long way in giving access as to how fardhu ‘ain can be possibly taught in these challenging times.

We would also like to note that as this is a student-run initiative, we wish to seek your understanding and forgiveness should there be any shortcomings or limitations on our part. We hope that through these efforts, it would encourage more hearts to embrace the teachings of the Deen and to foster a deeper connection in one’s spiritual journey. That being said, we will try our best to address any queries or concerns you may have so that we may do justice to our beloved teacher. We seek your du’a that our endeavours bear abundant fruit, and may the website stand as a timeless source of enlightenment and inspiration for all who seek the beauty of the Deen. Aamiin.

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